Parenting Tips

While you were in the hospital

Baby undergoes some checks and screening after its arrival. You can also get advice on breastfeeding, safe sleep for baby and bathing your newborn.

Infant Care

Further protection for your baby


Tips on breastfeeding your baby and how to get help if needed.

Safe Sleep for Baby

Follow the P.E.P.E. guidelines for ensuring your baby sleeps safely

Well Child Services

All NZ babies are entitled to free Well Child services. Make sure your baby is registered with a service in your area.

Early Days

All babies are different but each one needs to form a warm and secure relationship with its carer(s).


Looking after Mum

Caring for a baby can be exhausting and hard work. There are ways of getting and giving back to YOU – for both your sakes.

For Dads

Fathers play a special role in the lives of their families. Find out what support is available to help you make the most of this time with your baby.

Family Planning after Pregnancy

Check what contraception options are available to you and how to access these to help with planning your family.

Postnatal Health Checks at Home

Your midwife will visit you for six weeks after your pregnancy to ensure you and your baby’s health and safety.