Pregnancy and parenting education

FREE for you and your family


Every first-time pregnant woman or prospective adoptive parent is entitled to attend FREE pregnancy and parenting group discussions led by a trained facilitator.  These group discussions give you a chance to talk about a range of topics related to your pregnancy and caring for your infant and to ask any questions you may have.

There are also user-pays classes available for mothers who have the choice, or who are not first-time mothers.

Pregnancy and parenting sessions in the Auckland region:

Auckland DHB Pregnancy and Parenting Education (Antenatal Classes - FREE) click here

LMC Services in various South Auckland locations (FREE) – phone 279 3377

Turuki Healthcare in Mangere (FREE) – phone 275 5788

North Shore Hospital and Waitakere Hospital (FREE) - click here


Mama Maternity (User pays)

Plunket PEPE courses on early parenting (Free)

Ohana: Education and support for young parents (Free), based in West Auckland - [email protected]

Birthcare (User pays)

Parent Centre (User pays) - (to find your local course)

Holistic Baby – (User pays) -