Keeping well during pregnancy



Vaccines help the immune system to recognise diseases and fight them.  Pregnant women including those with pre-existing medical conditions (like diabetes or asthma) are at greater risk of severe influenza-related illnesses. It is recommended that all pregnant women receive a flu vaccination in order to protect them and their unborn baby or new infant from the effects of influenza.

Whooping cough (pertussis) is a heart-breaking illness to see in infants as the disease leads to a severe cough followed by a deep gasp or 'whoop' sound, hence its name.  Pregnant women between 28 to 38 weeks pregnant are advised to have the whooping cough immunisation, which is available for FREE to all pregnant women.

Watch this video about protecting yourself with vaccinations during pregnancy.

Medication safety 

This is important. If you are unwell for any reason and need to take medications whether prescribed or bought over the counter, please contact or see your GP or midwife/LMC first. They will advise you whether it is safe to take certain medications during pregnancy. Your local pharmacist can also advise you if you inform them that you are pregnant.

Generally, paracetamol taken as prescribed is safe to use.  Some antibiotics are also safe to use during pregnancy so let your doctor know and if required, they will prescribe the right ones for you.

Click here for further information about medication safety during pregnancy.


Nausea during pregnancy is one of the most experienced and complained about symptoms that women report. Not only is it known to be one of the early signs of pregnancy, but it is a symptom which is common throughout the first trimester, and sometimes even longer.  Nausea during pregnancy is commonly referred to as 'morning sickness' however symptoms can occur anywhere and at any time of the day. 

Find helpful advice about preventing and treating nausea here.

Common Complaints During Pregnancy

Morning sickness, back pain, leg cramps and swollen hands and feet are all common in pregnancy.  However if any of these symptoms become severe, let your midwife or doctor know.

Find more information about common pregnancy complaints here.