Movement and being active while you’re pregnant

Taking care of yourself in pregnancy is important


Being healthy while pregnant is important, not only for your physical and mental wellbeing, but also for your growing baby. Getting enough rest is important during pregnancy, but this does not mean avoiding movement or exercise. Combined with a healthy nutritious diet, mild to moderate exercise helps to reduce the risk of raised blood pressure, diabetes and other conditions that may lead to complications during pregnancy. Check with your midwife or doctor before beginning a new sport or exercise.

Movement during pregnancy:

  • gives muscle strength, which will be needed to carry baby, baby bag, car seat and all other baby equipment
  • improves posture, which helps to avoid backache common in pregnancy
  • may reduce the length of labour and the need for intervention and pain relief
  • can ease problems common in pregnancy such as leg cramps, high blood pressure and constipation
  • improves circulation, which helps to prevent varicose veins
  • helps to avoid putting on excess weight
  • improves stamina during pregnancy and labour, and the sleepless nights ahead
  • makes the pregnant woman feel good


What activities can I do?

Movement during pregnancy is encouraged and you will be able to engage in some light activity.  You should only engage in activities that are relative to your fitness level before your pregnancy.  Do not compare yourself with other women.  Be flexible and realistic.  Start with walking if you did not exercise prior to becoming pregnant. Your ability and skill level will change as your baby grows and your weight redistributes.  Listen to your body.  If you’re tired – put your feet up!

A safe guide to being active during pregnancy can be found here.

Green Prescriptions

Green Prescription (GRx) services provide FREE wellness programmes for anyone aged 18 years and over, including pregnant women. You can benefit from this programme if you would like support to get active and improve your lifestyle whilst pregnant and as a parent. You can ask your LMC or GP to refer you to a Green Prescription or you can refer yourself by phoning 0800 ACTIVE (0800 228483).   

There are three Providers of Green Prescription programmes across Auckland and you can access more information by going to the following websites: